Hello world !!!!
Grr Its a sunday and im awake at 6.48 amWhy?
Because i am desperate to use the computer..
And now the line is GREAT ..
So anyways. there's just too much to update so im just going to do it in point form
And i don remember the date it happen so im just gonna type wat i remember from the day i stop bloggin xDD
x Josiah was sleeping the other during BM class . He just got startled by who knows wat.
It was really funny. I was laughing like mad . And teacher was like.. The girl behind monitor (me) want to go dating wait for another 3 mint (recess) zzz
x My KHB thingy is really big.. need to build up my muscles to carry it..
x errrrrmmmmmmmmmmm i canot think of anything else..
K bye